Ways of Marking – Mohammed Kazem at Aicon Gallery in New York City

by Siba Kumar Das

Located on a quiet street slowly stirring into economic life after years in the doldrums, Aicon Gallery has taken on a task that surely would have pleased Andre Malraux. Novelist, art theorist, Minister of Culture under Charles de Gaulle, Malraux said half a century ago, “In our imaginary museum [that is, the world of art] the great art of Europe is but one great art among others …” Continue reading “Ways of Marking – Mohammed Kazem at Aicon Gallery in New York City”

Spirit Faces: Anna-Wili Highfield at Olsen Gruin in New York City

by Christopher Hart Chambers

Up front by the gallery’s storefront window on the Orchard Street strip on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, which is now perhaps the premier location for current fine art, stands a construction of sheet brass shards, with straight, thin brass rods projecting outwards in all directions, extending like rays of light or exclamation points. Each has a pearl at the end. Two life sized cut outs of female hands gloved in black spray paint are scratched with squiggly linear designs revealing the underlying brass color. Continue reading “Spirit Faces: Anna-Wili Highfield at Olsen Gruin in New York City”

Journey of the Spirit: Jizi at WhiteBox in New York City

Jizi, art, china
Jizi, Ark from Heaven, 2013, ink on paper, 124 x 249 cm / 48.75” x 98”

by Dominque Nahas

JIZI: Journey of the Spirit is an eye-opening exhibition of exhilarating contemporary shanshui style works made of ink on paper by one of the originators of China’s “New Ink Painting” school of artists, Wang Yunchan (1941- 2015), otherwise known as Jizi. Jizi was not academically trained but was an erudite self-educated individual steeped in Eastern and Western traditions of literature and painting. Continue reading “Journey of the Spirit: Jizi at WhiteBox in New York City”

dArt International Back Pages

by Steve Rockwell

“Stuart Regen, a prominent art dealer and the executive producer of the highly successful film Leaving Las Vegas, has died. He was 39.” So read the August 20, 1998 obituary in the Los Angeles Times. Earlier that year Regen had been featured on the cover of the premier issue of dArt International with his dog, Gordo. Regen was delighted to have had Gordo as the cover dog for the feature story, Gallery Dogs. Shaun Caley, Regen’s widow confided in me that he had proudly showed it off to the nurses in the hospital.

dArt International, really an afterthought to the bookwork, Meditations on Space, ended up serving as a continuation of it – the magazine now a basket into which leftover material might be tossed. The photos of Stuart and Gordo being prime examples. Continue reading “dArt International Back Pages”